If one of the weapons below says “Based On Original Weapon,” that means that the equipment slots, damage, range, and other properties of the high tech weapon are based on one of the weapons found in battle items
Bio Weapon
1 Gold + Original Weapon Cost, Uncommon
The weapon is part of your body, scientifically fused with your skin.
Based on original weapon
The weapon can extend out of your skin as an extra action and recede as another extra action. You are automatically proficient with this weapon.
1 Gold + Original Weapon Cost, Uncommon
A weapon with a pump action blade that reforms after being shot out at it’s target.
Based on original weapon
When attacking, you can choose to shoot the blade of your weapon instead of a normal attack. Shooting the blade functions like the throwable property while using your normal attack bonus with the weapon.
After the blade is shot, you must use your bonus action to reload the blade, otherwise your weapon cannot deal damage normally.
Dealer Weapon
1 Gold + Original Weapon Cost, Uncommon
A weapon with a slot for concoctions and other substances, the perfect drugging device.
Based on original weapon
As an extra action, you can insert a substance into the weapon itself. Upon successfully hitting an attack that deals piercing or slashing damage while the substance is inserted, the creature who took the attack must to make a tolerance saving throw against your weapon dc (8 + stat + weapon bonus). On a failure, they gain the cons of any substance and no benefits.
Laser Weapon
1 Gold + Original Weapon Cost, Uncommon
The blade is a laser. Yeah, star war
Based on original weapon
The weapon deals laser damage instead of its normal damage. The blade is a laser blade that can turn on and off as an extra action.
If you target a limb with this weapon, you don’t need to expend an inspiration to try and cut off their limbs according to Losing Limbs rules
Permacoat Weapon
3 Gold + Original Weapon Cost, Rare
The blade of the weapon has been engineered to make sure that whatever coats it is retained indefinitely.
Based on original weapon
When you apply a coating to this weapon, it doesn’t go away until you switch it out for another one.
Modern Weapon
Original Weapon Cost + Varying Amount, rarity varies
Based on original weapon
The cost, rarity, and enhancement of the weapon depends on its tier, refer to the following below:
Tier 1, Rare, +3 To gold cost, AP, +1 to all weapon rolls
Tier 2, Rare, +10 To gold cost, AP, +2 to all weapon rolls
Tier 3, Legendary, +50 To gold cost, AP, +3 to all weapon rolls
Armor Penetration (AP): If a target hits with this weapon property has a Resistance to its type, you ignore it. If it has Immunity it becomes Resistance.
Black Hole Weapon
50 Gold + Original Weapon Cost, Cursed
Obsidian blade that constantly emanates a harmless amount of black entropy
Based on original weapon
Instead of your normal weapon range, your attack range is now a 30ft radius centered on you. Whenever you attack, you and all creatures within the radius need to make a saving throw of some kind against your weapon dc (8 + stat + weapon bonus) or they will take an amount of void damage equal to your weapon damage.