1 Gold, Uncommon
A portable non-ware version of the cyberdeck found in Cyberpunk Blue.
This item will not take up an equipment slot, but it will take one of your trinket slots.
While equipped, You gain the hacking skill check and make a virus from the hacking ability block from Michael Cook’s Cyberpunk Blue DLC Addon from the DLC Addons on the front page.. You cannot use either if you unequip the Portdeck.
2 Gold, Uncommon
Special metallic yet flexible jeans that were developed from an artificial spring element.
This item will take up both of your leg equipment slots.
When equipped, you gain the blessed jumper ability from Universal Abilities.
5 Gold, Rare
Metal fast pants. Fast pants make you fast. Gotta go.
This item will take up both of your leg equipment slots.
While equipped, your walking speed doubles and you gain a free action dash once per turn.
10 Gold, Rare
A miracle machine that is the key to you starting a brand new life! Please don’t hurt our scientists we’re still scarred from what the last guy that stole one of these did….
this item will not take up an equipment slot, but it will take up one of your trinket slots.
While equipped, you gain a flying speed of 60ft. However, you can only use the flying speed for 5 minutes until you need to let it recharge during a short rest.
Scan Specs
3 Platinum, Legendary
A blue glass monocle with a sleek modern design, modeled by an ACTUAL SCIENTIST compared to that “brilliant scientist” hack.
this item will not take up an equipment slot, but it will take up one of your trinket slots.
While equipped, similar to the spirit skill check, you can compare a creature’s physical and mental capabilities to your own without having to roll. You won’t get exact numbers though. You also gain 15ft cone of darkvision on the eye that has the specs on.
500 Platinum, Legendary
Nanomachines, son. They harden in response to physical trauma. They flow through your blood and veins.
This item will not take up an equipment slot, but it will take up two of your trinket slots instead of one.
You gain immunity to all non-magical physical damage. At the start of each of your turns you regain 1d4 + fortitude health back.