When taking any of the consumables designated with the “Cursed?” rarity, you might have to roll a will save (you can use any mental stat). The starting DC is 5. On a success the DC raises by 1. On a failure, you must add to the ideals section of your character sheet that they are inclined towards the drug in question.
Your ideals being warped towards drugs doesn’t mind control them into taking as many as possible, it’s just that their everyday thought process includes the drug somehow. The DM can even force you to roll will saves to fight back the temptation of the drugs or to keep your mind on track.
5 Gold, Rare
1 Use. As an extra action, Get the effects of using “restore” during a short rest. If used again, you will gain a level of exhaustion.
5 Silver, Cursed?
1 use, as an extra action the following happens:
Your Walking Speed is multiplied by 5!
However…3 minutes later, you will lose the speed bonus and suffer 2 exhaustion levels until you consume food.
5 Silver, Cursed?
1 use, as an extra action the following happens:
Your Armor class increases by 5 and the frightened condition ends for you if you’re currently under it!
However…3 minutes later, you will lose the armor class bonus and instantly fall asleep under the unconcious condition. You’ll wake up in about 2 minutes, nothing can wake you up before that.
3 Silver, Cursed?
1 use, as an extra action the following happens:
If you’re either frightened, charmed, or poisoned those conditions instantly end!
However…5 minutes later you instantly go into the paralyzed condition until your next short rest and you suffer a level of exhaustion.
2 Gold, Cursed?
1 use, as an extra action the following happens:
Your walking speed is multiplied by 10 and you get to add 5 to your armor class!
However…3 minutes later flip a coin:
If you get heads, you are charmed and must attack the nearest creature until it dies. After attacking them about 10 times you’ll be uncharmed.
If you get tails, you are frightened by the nearest creature and must spend the next 10 minutes running away from them as fast and as Efficiently as you can.
1 Gold, Cursed?
1 use, as an extra action the following happens:
If you’re under the frightened condition it instantly ends and you get 3d8 hit points back!
However…5 minutes later you instantly go into the paralyzed condition until your next short rest and you suffer a level of exhaustion.
1 Gold, Cursed?
1 use, as an extra action the following happens:
If you’re under the frightened condition it instantly ends and you triple your intelligence for the next intelligence roll you make!
However…10 minutes later you are frightened by the nearest creature and must spend the next 10 minutes running away from them as fast and as Efficiently as you can. also, you lose 3d6 health that can’t be healed until a long rest.
1 Gold, Cursed?
1 use, as an extra action the following happens:
If you’re under the frightened condition it instantly ends and you triple your intelligence for the next intelligence roll you make!
However…3 minutes later, you will lose the speed bonus and suffer 2 exhaustion levels until you consume food.
5 Gold, Cursed?
1 use, as an extra action the following happens:
Your Walking Speed is multiplied by 10 and you add +5 to your attack rolls!
However…5 minutes later you immediately gain 3 levels of exhaustion and lose 3d6 health that can’t be healed until a long rest.
10 Gold, Cursed?
1 use, as an extra action the following happens:
Your Walking Speed is multiplied by 20!
However…5 minutes you lose 6d6 health that can’t be healed until a long rest.
10 Gold, Cursed?
1 use, as an extra action the following happens:
You gain +10 to all strength rolls and gain resistance to all non-magical physical damage!
However…5 minutes later you gain 3 levels of exhaustion and lose 6d6 health that can’t be healed until a long rest.
Pyrite Inc. Placebos
5 Silver, Cursed
They are bootlegs that are meant to resemble credible drugs and medicines, albeit with flashier packaging.
Can be taken as an extra action. They give 5 overhealth the first time you ever take one, the rest of the ones you take only give 1 overhealth. Make a DC 20 Wisdom Will Save. Upon failing, you are put under the controlled condition requiring yourself to take more and more of these placebos.
When attempting to long rest while still under this controlled addiction condition, make a DC 15 tolerance saving throw. If you fail, you do not sleep that night.
The only ways to get rid of the controlled addiction condition is either magical means or addiction removal effects.