AP Rounds

1 Gold Per 10 Ammo, Uncommon

Unlike normal arrows and bullets, you must keep track of this special ammo.

When shooting from a ranged weapon or a gun, you can choose to use this special ammunition instead, remember to mark down that you used it!

This special ammunition ignores non-magical resistance to piercing damage. Non-magical immunity to piercing damage is treated like resistance.

Incendiary Rounds

1 Gold Per 10 Ammo, Uncommon

Unlike normal arrows and bullets, you must keep track of this special ammo.

When shooting from a ranged weapon or a gun, you can choose to use this special ammunition instead, remember to mark down that you used it!

This special ammunition deals an extra die of fire damage alongside the piercing.

Taser Rounds

3 Gold Per 10 Ammo, Rare

Unlike normal arrows and bullets, you must keep track of this special ammo.

When shooting from a ranged weapon or a gun, you can choose to use this special ammunition instead, remember to mark down that you used it!

When this special ammunition hits a creature, they need to make a DC 12 Fortitude Saving Throw. Upon a failure, they are paralyzed until they make the saving throw at the end of each of their turns. If it’s outside of combat, they’re paralyzed for 5 minutes.

S.A.B.O.T Rounds

5 Gold Per 10 Ammo, Rare

Unlike normal arrows and bullets, you must keep track of this special ammo.

When shooting from a ranged weapon or a gun, you can choose to use this special ammunition instead, remember to mark down that you used it!

When this special ammunition hits a creature, it pierces through and you can roll to hit one more creature within 10ft of them. It can also pierce through most metals and get the same effect.

Chem Rounds

5 Gold Per 10 Ammo, Rare

Unlike normal arrows and bullets, you must keep track of this special ammo.

When shooting from a ranged weapon or a gun, you can choose to use this special ammunition instead, remember to mark down that you used it!

This special ammunition deals 2 extra dies of a type of natural non-magical damage like poison or cold.