5 Copper, Common
For everyone outside of the game, this stuff will actually save your life if you begin to overdose. That doesn’t mean go and overdose, but this is an option just in case.
10 Uses. As either your reaction or someone else’s reaction, If you are in the process of suffering from a fatal dosage of any type of substance, this gives you the chance to roll a DC 20 Tolerance Saving Throw. On a success you will survive the dosage and be able to begin recovering with appropriate consequences. On a failure you will die, Death’s Door is completely bypassed.
Bio Foam
1 Gold, Uncommon
A spray bottle of quick heals that finds its way into your wounds and closes them.
1 use. As an extra action and as long as the damage you take opens wounds on your body, you can spray the foam into a wound and heal by 2d4.
Battle Stimulant
1 Gold, Uncommon
A variant of the normal stimulant, but this one is for surpassing your limits!
1 use. As an extra action, as long as you’re in combat initiative, you can start an auto healing process where you regain 1 temporary hit point at the start of each of your turns. However, once initiative ends, you gain a level of exhaustion.
3 Gold, Uncommon
A long-acting opioid drug used to replace the shorter-acting opioids. Yeah I copied that from google.
1 use. As an extra action, remove a non-magical addiction to a substance. You gain a level of exhaustion in exchange.
Bone Juice
5 Gold, Rare
It’s Bone Juice bro, I dunno what to put here it’s called Bone Juice.
1 use. As an extra action, you can drink the juice and heal a grievous wound.
Stem Cell Syringe
15 Gold, Rare
Stemcell's son, hyper healing the body. Could’ve gone pro if I didn’t overdose.
1 use. You can throw this sphere as an improvised ranged weapon attack, upon hitting a creature’s armor class said AC is cut in half until 3 rounds later at the start of your turn. If your attack with this sphere misses, it will break no matter what. The sphere also deals no damage.
White Blood Stimulant
30 Gold, Rare
A stimulant that maxes out the efficiency of your white blood cells.
1 use. As an extra action, you apply the stimulant and have double advantage upon the next time you need to roll to fight against an illness.
Reconstruction Table
100 Platinum, Legendary
A table big enough to hold a whole person, fit to burst with super high tech mechanics.
Over the course of a short rest, someone with at least a +2 bonus to technology can operate the table. During that short rest, the table reconstructs and reverts all non-magical damage, like grievous wounds, losing limbs, and even aging.